James Hawkins, of St. Louis, Missouri, was a prominent lawyer, and figure, in sports law. At 94, he wrote the following piece which may be of interest for those involved in sports law, and on the permanently sensitive relationship between sport and politics. This post expresses Jim Hawkins’ views.
2014 – CRIMEA
Sochi Russia – Feb 6-23, 2014: Russian President V. Putin was a prominent figure at the 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games. Sochi is a modest-sized Russian port on the Black Sea in the Caucasus region. It is near Crimea, the historic Black Sea peninsula that in early 2014 was part of an independent country, Ukraine.[i] The Sochi Games were my 11th (the first was 1960) – attended always as a USA or International Skating Union (ISU) sport official.[ii] It is clear now, that due to 2016 public disclosures, unknown to us during the Sochi Olympics, there is credible proof that Sochi competition results were severely corrupted by ultra-secret Russian-state political/sport power. Sochi also was, without doubt, more expensive and extravagant than any prior Olympic Winter Games. Sochi’s elaborate sport venues and competitions, plus huge ceremonies and jingoistic productions, were powerfully displayed on worldwide TV. The Sochi Olympics truly occupied the attention of the World’s mass-media and audiences during January and February of 2014. Meanwhile, in a murky and secret background, shocking Russian international sport and political activities were taking place. These activities are the subject of this article.
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